What is Tender Coordination?
For the client to have project cost certainty before onsite construction commences, Harrison and the wider team would engage in Tender Coordination where the detailed design would be coordinated with the likes of consultants or contractors for:
– Mechanical
– Electrical
– Plumbing
– Catering
– Specialist Suppliers.
The process timescale would depend on the project complexity but would normally include a series of design meetings with standard checklist items.
A further review of Health and Safety issues is completed in conjunction with the CDM/Principal Designer.
Why is Tender Coordination important?
This stage is important as it assists in identifying potential problems on site that can be foreseen on ‘the drawing board’.
Agreeing to a solution on paper makes everything run smoother, as opposed to correcting the physical works on site which wastes time, resources and cost.
How Harrison manages Tender Coordination?
The Harrison team services include tender coordination and this is usually lead by the technical lead and/or the design lead depending on the nature of the project and the particular detailing issues.
Agreement of solutions would be recorded and the finalised and updated details issued to the wider team including the construction team.
We can provide support at every stage of the project, from concept design to master planning to planning applications. This means we intimately know the vision and goals of the project and we can ensure compliance with your design specifications and ensure everything is tying back into your brand strategy.
Contact Harrison today on [email protected] to discuss your project.