What is a Planning Application?
Most projects require some form of Local Authority approval, usually Planning Consent or Advertisement Consent. In some instances Listed Building Consent is also required.
Harrison services include submission of application forms including all the necessary detailed design drawings and supplementary documentation.
This can include going to council meetings and individual meetings with local planners and coordinating a kick off meeting with the client, landlord and other consultants involved in the project.
Obtaining all the relevant paperwork and permissions is one of the more laborious aspects of any project. but if done wrong, it can stop work dead in its tracks.
Ensuring compliance, from tender coordination to master planning, is why our project management services give you more space to focus on the concept, rather than the paperwork.
Why are Planning Applications important?
These are important approvals that are required before a project advances to onsite construction.
Programme issues can arise if the approvals are delayed through bureaucratic issues and therefore it is important the submissions are carried out correctly from the outset.
Some projects may include a Landlord approval system which would not allow project progression without the planning issues being successfully dealt with first.
How Harrison Manages Planning Applications
The Harrison team, normally the technical staff, submit for Planning and Advertisement consent.
We monitor application status and liaise with the relevant Local Authority contacts to ensure the applications are progressed to a satisfactory and speedy conclusion.
In some instances it is advised that a Planning Consultant is included should the project detail (a Listed Building for example), include significant planning history, heritage and importance.
In these situations, Harrison would work very closely with the Planning Consultant to provide the level of detail required with the aim to secure the necessary approvals.
Harrison services can include the Planning Consultants work should the client prefer this to be part of the Harrison remit.
Contact Harrison today at [email protected] to discuss your needs. View our projects to see some of our work.