What is Naming and Why is This Important?
A compelling and relevant name will always ensure that you create a distinctive and memorable impression of your brand. It is one of the key differentiators from your competitors and should represent your brand identity. A name also helps identifies you – it’s your public face and tells the customer who you are, what you do.
The Harrison Approach
Our unique name generation process ensures that we create a distinctive and memorable impression of your brand and one that is a key differentiator from your competitors. The chosen name helps to build awareness and convey your brand’s meaning and story. It needs to resonate with your audience and evokes a sense of trust and inspires your staff. We can conduct expert consumer research, to formulate a shortlist of 3-5 names that satisfy and communicate the values. The potential names will be checked online for UK/EU trademark conflicts, web domain availability, Company’s House registration, and a general Google search. We then take the preferred name through a set of ‘success criteria’ to ensure it is relevant.