Airport Hospitality Design
An established brand, recognised across the UK and beyond. A high profile site in Terminal 5 at Heathrow. Why change, why disrupt success?
Airports are a window on a constantly changing world. Consumer habits, guest expectations, service styles They have a captive audience where complacency could set in.
Our client, Boparen, recognised the need to re-boot this iconic brand, starting with the design but inevitably feeding into re-invigorating the whole proposition because design, the offer and service standards represent 3 interconnected strands that make for success in hospitality, they are mutually dependant.
This is a an example of how design has a reach that goes beyond the core objective of creating a new image. It can mean so much more for the continued success and relevance a brand, re-engaging with the team and guest alike. Designed to be differentiated from its predecessor, yet retaining its core personality traits so remaining on brand and relevant to the guest. –